Interior Design 101. are a plain Mary, Jane.You. And want to be able to create a space in your apartment or home yet, you are not sure how to? You are worried about buying expensive pieces of furniture, ornaments or that beautiful rug and all just doesn't tie up. Will it look like those images in the perfect magazine and favourite pinterest page? Worse yet, will you hate it!
Alright now, no need to panic. I am hoping that my blog will guide you in creating a space you call home. a space that is you. a space that reflects you. Yes. This is design 101. Spaces of Africa.
What is your interior design style?
Define your style. What speaks to you. Do you find yourself saving images of modern day furniture,contemporary, farm style,rustic? This is your starting point. Commit to a style that is going to allow you to run with a THEME.
You need not stick to it in its entirety, however you will need it as a background in all the purchases you make.So you have picked a theme, now what COLOR do you want to run with.This need not be a color for everything (rookie mistake). When starting out with bold colors, try to make that color an accessory color with the major pieces being a quiet color. Alternatively, if you are confident ,make your bold color the centre of attention in the form of a statement piece.
To illustrate the above, have a look at the below spaces.
Yellow is by nature a calm color. Yet it can be rather loud as an interior design tool. Yellow works well when blended with grey and pastels and don't forget with the classic black and white stripes. Place the color yellow in a room that has natural light streaming in, to enjoy the full effects.In this modern interior image, the color is the silent winner.
In this classic styled interior image, purple is the statement piece color. Its bold yet not overwhelming.The trick lies in blending. Here it is the beige that is used to achieve this balance.
use color swatches to test the blends and contrasts between different colors as a guide.
Go ahead, give it a try. Pick a theme.commit to a color and play! Don't forget to tag your before and after pictures on our Instagram page @spacesofafrica for a feature and email us for advise for your projects. Until next time.Ciao and don't forget to #loveyourspace